Kit List & Essential Info
Required for all courses:
- Sharp knife- 3-5″ non-folding blade
- (If you are not able to find a suitable supplier please contact the office)
- Sleeping bag and ground insulating mat
- Tent and ground sheet or equivalent shelter (bivouac)
- Eating utensils: knife, fork, spoon, cup, plate
- Notebook and pens
- Changes of clothing, cold and warm weather
- Warm outer gear and rain gear
- Waterproof foot wear
- Washing kit and towel (biodegradable soap only please)
- Torch and extra batteries
- Water bottle
- First aid kit
- Optional: Snack food, seat cushion or folding chair, lockable hand saw, small axe, 10 meters of nylon cord, camera and wildlife identification books, head torch.
Required Kit for advanced courses
Other tools may be needed, this will be stated on the arrival information sent to you before the class begins.
We provide all the main meals which are included in the cost of all the courses, except those stated otherwise.
It is important that participants arrive during the times stated for each course. You may miss part of the course if you arrive late. The standard arrival time for weekend courses is after lunch between noon and 2pm on the first day. This allows you time to set up your tent etc. Please check the arrival information you will be sent for the different courses, as starting times may vary. Please let us know if you have any difficulty arriving between these times. Also let us know in advance if you want to be picked up from a local train or bus station.
If you are travelling a long distance to the course you may be able to arrive and get set up the day before, this must be agreed beforehand and may incur a small extra charge.

“This course will appeal to everyone experienced or not with the outdoors.”
Greg, Race horse trainer