- Prerequisite:Native Skills 1
- Duration:3 days
- Cost:£270
In many native cultures there are not separate words for tracking and awareness as they are usually locked together, meaning the same thing. This class is to develop the eye of the tracker, so that they become highly aware, in tune with all that is around and within them. You will develop skills in the interpretation of the foot prints and signs of animals, as well as the landscape. How tracking affects your every day life and personal growth will also be discovered. Tracking is not only for those who hunt, but for those who want to understand the world around them, in the greatest of detail.
Some of the skills covered
- The Sacred Question
- Macro and Micro pressure releases
- Track ageing
- Night Tracking
- Tracking as a group at speed
- The Tracking stick
- Energy Tracking

“Since participating in the course, each time I enter the woods, I look at it in a different way; listening to what the animals and birds are doing. I can’t help but look for animal tracks or spot the darker indentations on grass or soil”…
Shuv, Educator